
According To Recovery.gov, “Stimulus” Paid $1,191,200 For Two Pounds Of Sliced Ham

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Courtesy of SayAnythingBlog:

Recovery.gov is the much-touted Obama administration transparency site (the one the Obama administration is currently in the process of spending $18 million on to revamp it) that exists to prove to us that none of the “stimulus” spending is being wasted.

Of course, that we’ve spent tens of millions already on the website that’s supposed to show us that our money isn’t being wasted is a little ironic, but whatever.

On the Recovery.gov site is this little nugget indicating that we taxpayers apparently shelled out $1,191,200 for two pounds of sliced ham. Here’s a screen grab of the site for when Obama inevitably sends this down the memory hole (click for a larger view):


Paddy Hugh said...

And $1.4 mill for fixing a door, apparently!

I wonder if you can file an ethics complaint for this?

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